Integrated Hospital Management system for seamless healthcare delivery experience
Reimagine the healthcare delivery experience with our next generation eHMS (Hospital Management System) that allows you to automate and digitize healthcare tasks to increase overall efficiency and productivity in your Hospital. With the help of our smart platform, you can track your out-patients, in-patients, billing and finance, admission and discharge, laboratory, pharmacy module, inventory, etc. In small clinics or large hospital chains, the easy configuration in the system helps you get onboarded very quickly. This system is integrated with medical devices and third-party applications. It is cloud-hosted, available on all devices at all times and provides a Covid-19 patient tracking module.
Patient paperwork is a critical everyday healthcare task, and so our eHMS system provides customized capabilities to improve efficiency and drive innovation. From digitizing help desk processes to patient admission and discharge, automate all your patient-related workflows in one place!
Workforce burnouts in healthcare sectors are inevitable. One cannot avoid them, but they can definitely reduce them. Our eHMS system is a cloud-based platform, offering automation capabilities and real-time visibility of everyday doctor-patient workflows, making healthcare life simpler and better.
eHMS is designed to deliver outstanding technology experience to hospitals, clinics and other medical sectors to run all their healthcare processes with ease. Our eHMS system coupled AI technology reduces workloads, enables customised reports and improves overall efficiency by gaining accurate visibility.
Monitor medical reports of the patients and track appointment dates and bill payments in real-time on our eHMS cloud-based platform. It provides easy access to the patient history and can be accessible in multiple locations with ease.
Machines Interfaced
eLab Assist's diagnostic solutions provide healthcare sectors to streamline processes such as booking appointments, receiving reports, digital payment, etc., efficiently, enabling a seamless caregiver experience to their customers through innovation.
We believe in generating results that seek to address healthcare challenges. That's why we have created a platform that delivers results through our most effective and economical diagnostics solutions.
Our innovative products and solutions help our customers to create a more digital and connected experience feasibly. A digital platform that improves patient experience, connectivity, accelerates ROI, and so much more!
Here's what our customers are saying about us
"Malabar Cancer Centre, Thalassery (MCC) is an autonomous institution under Health and Family Welfare Department, Government of Kerala, started with an aim to establish a comprehensive cancer center, providing the much-required oncology care. Blue Pearl helped the center with Biobanking software. The software helps in managing biospecimens, associated metadata, and patient consent, locating stored samples, standardizing operational workflows, ensuring sample integrity. It provides the ability to securely manage sample and patient data, assigning role-based access to authorized users, following regulatory guidelines, removing data silos, and generating personalized reports "
Dr. Deepak Roshan, V G (PhD)
Malabar Cancer Hospital
"I am using eLAB Assist s/w for last 3 years. It is very fast and easy to operate system that you can access from anywhere in the world. The provision of data interface helps in managing machines & its data very effectively. Mobile app makes the reports available even to the doctors and patients with lightning speed. The developers and the technical back-up team are experienced and always eager to help you out."
Financial Analyst
"I was looking for replacing my current software with more efficient software which can help me to manage my Growth. eLabAssist helped me to manage my financial transactions with affiliations, End to End Inventory for the entire organization in addition to improved day to day operations"
Mr. Amit Sharma, CEO
Health Solutions
"We were looking for experts help in implementing interfacing for Laboratory equipments and managing our Quality Control processes effectively. With 93 laboratories and growing it was a challenge to manage and have control on these functions. eLabAssist team helped us in designing central quality management system. Their expertise in Laboratory Management helped us quickly implement the system and get control on day today operations. We really value the contribution from eLabAssist team"
Mr. Anant Raghute, IT Head
S2 International
"Dr. Naidu Hospital in Pune, India is a government hospital for infectious diseases management. During 2020, Covid 19 created a huge challenge for the entire health care system. Dr. Naidu hospital which was at the forefront of treating early cases, needed a comprehensive Hospital management system to streamline the patient treatment and operations. With a sponsorship from automobile giant FIAT, Blue Pearl implemented its Hospital Management system along with Covid 19 tracking module within a very short span. The features included OPD and IPD registration, vitals tracking, bed management, clinical notes, high risk patient identification. Various certificates and report generation to speed up the treatment and operational management."
Dr. Sudheer, Head of the Department
Naidu Hospital